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How Can You Transform Your Dry Damaged Hair?

Updated: May 27

How Can You Transform Your Dry Damaged Hair?

I come across many people for whom the hair remedies work wonderfully well, and there are certain people for whom it does not work so well.

Sometimes a cure might work exactly how it is supposed to for someone, and some might face dryness or some other problem.

Ever wonder about the reason behind his bias? Well, let me assure you that the remedies do not hold any grudges against you.

And there are no biases involved, so relax. So what is the reason behind a remedy not working for you? Do not worry, in this detailed article, you'll get answers to all your questions.

So, read the entire article carefully to understand the reasons and the remedial actions.

Table of contents:

Irrespective of the season, sometimes our hair does not agree with us, they get unmanageable, dry, and stiff.

Sometimes it seems like they are so angry that they do not agree to get well by any remedy. What is the reason behind all this?

If you get a lot of chemical and colour treatments on the hair, it does not show the damage immediately. But, after some time, your hair looks visibly damaged and dry.

Before taking any remedial action, I want to educate you about the structure of the hair.

Structure Of Hair:

The inner coil of the hair, for which we work so hard, has a layer of dead cells all around it called cuticles. Cuticles protect the inner coil of the hair.

But sometimes, these cuticles get blocked when we give our hair the wrong treatments. As a result, these coils remain strangers to any remedy we provide externally.

So what should we do? We should focus on removing the deposition from cuticles so that whatever treatment we provide reaches the inner coil of the hair.

Hair Porosity:

To begin, you need to understand your hair porosity. There are three types :

1]. Low Porosity: Closely spaced cuticles are a sign of low porosity.

2]. Medium/Normal Porosity: Less firmly bonded cuticles are a sign of medium porosity.

3]. High Porosity: More widely spaced cuticles are a sign of high porosity.

I am now sharing 5 remedial actions you can take to remove the deposition from your cuticles and give your hair the nourishment it needs.

Remedy 1: Soaking Your Hair In Lukewarm Water

Take a container full of lukewarm water and soak your hair.

We often tend to get careless while shampooing our hair. When you wash your hair under the shower, or even if you use a bucket, it is not a 100% surety that all the dirt and shampoo will get washed away.

The remainder of the shampoo will deposit on the cuticles leading to hair damage. By dipping or soaking your hair in lukewarm water, all the deposition will wash away.

Do this process once every 15 days.

Remedy 2: Magical Oil

To start this remedy, you need a carrier oil, whichever you are comfortable with. You can take coconut oil, olive oil, almond oil, or any light oil of your liking.

Next, you need an essential oil (lavender, sage, thyme, or tea tree oil).

Take a container and add approximately two big tablespoons of carrier oil. Add 7-8 drops of essential oil to it (this oil will be POTENT!).

Mix it well and massage it on the scalp and the lengths. These essential oils can break down the depositions, and when you wash your hair, they will melt away.

Do this remedy once every 15 days. 

Note: Essential oils are soothing but do not get addicted to them. If you are doing the remedy, use it once every 15 days. In other scenarios, use the essential oils only once a month.

Remedy: 3 - Take a Break

During the COVID-19 lockdown, Ganga River was its cleanest self without doing anything.

Before that, there were many action plans (Ganga Action Plan) to clean the holy river. All it took was no interference with the river to make it clean.

So what did we learn from this?

Our major takeaway was that sometimes taking a break and doing nothing can be the solution. It is exactly what you have to do for your hair, NOTHING! 

Take a break from any application for a while, and let your hair rest and heal.

  • Wash your hair with a herbal shampoo.

  • Light oiling will not do any harm but stay away from any strong applications.

At first, it will feel a bit weird and uncomfortable, but then your hair will get disciplined. So if you do not want to rely on any other remedial action, you can go for this option.

Remedy 4: Exercise and Fasting

These two options are for balancing your hormones and curing any internal problems due to which your hair might suffer.

Here, exercise does not mean the PT exercises you did in school. Do the exercises that will activate your sweat glands. You can do cardio, running, jogging, or any other that will get your heart pumping and activate your sweat glands.

Next, you have to do fasting. Fasting will help remove all toxicity from your hair and your entire body. Your body will start eliminating all the toxins from the body.

So exercise, take fasts to regulate your hormones, and remove toxins and all unwanted depositions from your body.

Remedy 5: Using Clarifying Shampoos Once A Month

Clarifying shampoos contain alcohol, fluoride, sodium, and lauryl sulfate. Are you shocked to see so many names of chemicals?

These shampoos are so strong that they can remove any deposition from the hair. Once a month usage of these shampoos will not damage your hair.

Still, if you do not use clarifying shampoos (at all), you can rinse your hair with diluted apple cider vinegar.

Once every 15 days, after shampooing your hair, use diluted apple cider vinegar to rinse your hair. Apple cider vinegar does not let any deposition occur and removes the existing.

Preventive Measures:

Apart from taking these remedial actions, there are preventative measures you should take.

  • Check the usage of all the products you use. Sometimes the packaging says the product should be used once or twice a week. We do not read the packaging and keep using the product daily. It can damage the hair.

  • Never do two protein treatments simultaneously. Protein treatments are potent. So focus on one treatment at a time.

  • Do not overwash or over-condition. Do not wash your hair more than thrice a week (unless doing a remedy).

  • Get your hair trimmed by a stylist only. Why is this important? Let's assume your hair is in step-cutting. You did not get the time to go to a salon. You picked up a pair of scissors and trimmed your hair in U-style. It will make your spit ends move further upward.

  • Do not hesitate to consult a dermatologist or trichologist. If DIY remedies are not working for you, do not keep running after them. Consult a doctor and get to the root of the cause.

All the remedial actions will help you revive the beauty of your hair. Choose the one that suits you the best and start today.


Write down in the comment section which of these remedies you were already following and which one you're going to do and also share your experience with us.

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