Hair Fasting – Benefits and How to Do It | Preity Prerna

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In the quest for healthier, more vibrant hair, many people have turned to the practice of hair fasting. This natural hair care trend is becoming increasingly popular, promising to reset the scalp, reduce product buildup, and promote healthier hair growth. But what exactly is hair fasting, and how can you incorporate it into your hair care routine? Let’s explore the concept in detail.

What Is Hair Fasting?

Hair Fasting is letting your scalp and hair breathe in their natural space. Breathing doesn’t mean respiration in this case. Here, it is way more than that. Hair roots and follicles have their mechanism to survive and be healthy. It’s incredibly healthy and beneficial to let your hair rest without any products for a while.

So, are we supposed to do NOTHING in hair fasting? YES!
And hair oiling? NO!
And what about hair masks? NO!
But we can use hair serum, right? NO!

Hair fasting means giving your hair a complete rest! Fasting relaxes your organs, and it calms and soothes the hair.

During this period, your scalp is allowed to adjust and naturally regulate oil production. Over time, this could result in a healthier scalp, shinier hair, and less reliance on harsh chemicals and artificial fragrances that can often weigh hair down or cause irritation.

Understanding the Scalp

The scalp is the skin covering the top of the head. It is made up of several crucial layers, each with its function.

Skin Layers:

  • Epidermis: It is the outermost layer, which serves as a protective barrier. It contains keratinocytes (cells that produce keratin) and melanocytes (cells that produce pigment).
  • Dermis: The deeper layer beneath the epidermis, which contains hair follicles, sweat glands, sebaceous (oil) glands, blood vessels, and connective tissue.
  • Hypodermis (Subcutaneous Layer): The deepest layer that consists of fat and connective tissue. It helps cushion the scalp and insulate the head.

Hair Follicles:

  • The scalp is covered in hair follicles that produce hair. These follicles are located in the dermis and are connected to sebaceous glands that keep the hair moisturized by secreting oil.
  • Each hair follicle goes through a growth cycle: growth, transitional, and resting.

Sebaceous Glands:

  • Sebaceous glands secrete oil (sebum) to lubricate the hair and skin, preventing them from drying out.

Sweat Glands:

  • Sweat glands help regulate body temperature by producing sweat, though there are fewer sweat glands in the scalp than in other parts of the body.

Why Try Hair Fasting?

There are several reasons people turn to this practice. Here are a few of the most common results associated with hair fasting:

  • Reduction in Product Build-Up: Many hair care products, particularly those containing silicones, sulfates, or parabens, can leave residue in the hair, weighing it down and potentially leading to buildup. Hair fasting allows you to clear your scalp and hair from this buildup, leading to fresher, lighter hair.
  • Restoration of Natural Oils: Shampoo and conditioners can strip the scalp of its natural oils. These oils (sebum) help maintain moisture, protect hair from damage, and prevent dryness. Hair fasting helps your scalp reset by allowing these oils to regulate themselves, which can result in softer, shinier hair over time.
  • Healthier Scalp: A clean, balanced scalp is crucial for hair growth. Overwashing and excessive product use can disrupt the natural pH of the scalp, leading to issues like dandruff, irritation, or excessive oil production. By fasting from hair products, the scalp has time to rejuvenate and promote healthier hair.
  • Minimal Hair Damage: Constant use of styling products like hairspray, gels, or heat tools can cause damage over time. Hair fast minimizes exposure to these damaging elements, helping to prevent split ends and other forms of breakage.

How to do Hair Fasting?

Starting a hair fast may sound intimidating, but with the right approach, it can be a rewarding experience for both your hair and scalp.

Here are some tips to begin with:

  • Set a Time Frame – It is important to determine how long your hair fast will last. You can choose a short period like one week or 4-5 days in a month or two. However, it’s essential to note that your scalp may go through an “adjustment period,” where it may feel oilier than usual before balancing out.
  • Comb/Brush Your Hair – 100 strokes in the morning and 100 strokes in the evening. Combing and brushing your hair will improve blood circulation on the scalp and assist the hair follicles and sebaceous glands to stay nourished and healthy.
  • Do Not Use Any Hair Product or Styling Tool – The entire point of this practice is to give your hair a break. Throughout the hair fasting periods, avoid hair products like shampoos, dry shampoos, hair serums, oils, creams, etc. Also, do not use any heat-styling tools. Instead, go for heatless hairstyles.

Challenges of Hair Fasting

While hair fasting can offer many benefits, it does come with some challenges:

  • The Adjustment Period: At first, your scalp may produce more oil as it adjusts to not having regular washes. This might cause your hair to feel greasy, especially if you are used to washing it frequently.
  • Hair Type Considerations: Different hair types react differently to hair fasting. For example, those with fine or oily hair may find the transition more challenging, while people with drier or coarser hair may appreciate the extra moisture that hair fasting can provide.
  • Patience is Key: Hair fasting requires patience and consistency. It may take time to see the benefits, and some may experience a period of frustration before noticing positive results.


Hair fasting is a natural way to restore balance to your scalp and hair. You may notice improvements in hair texture, shine, and overall health by giving your hair a break from harsh chemicals and product build-up. The process may take time, but the right approach can be a great way to refresh and rejuvenate your hair and scalp, promoting a more holistic, less product-reliant hair care routine. Whether you’re aiming for a healthier scalp, shinier hair, or a break from the endless cycle of products, hair fasting offers a unique, minimalist approach to hair care that’s worth considering.

Make sure to check out the video on the Hair Fasting on Preity Prerna YouTube channel!

Don’t forget to check out the Preity Prerna Store for 100% natural solution for your hair and skin problems! Preity Prerna Hair Oil for healty hair

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