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Periods, PCOD, Hormones And More | Preity Prerna

Updated: May 20

Period, PCOD, Hormones And More | Preity Prerna

Menstrual cycles or periods are an inevitable part of every woman's life, marking a natural biological rhythm that often comes with its own set of challenges and experiences.

The exact nature of menstruation can vary from person to person.

Despite the occasional discomfort or inconvenience, many women embrace their menstrual cycles as a powerful reminder of their bodies' innate ability to nurture and create life.

From cultural traditions to modern conversations about menstrual health, periods are not just a biological phenomenon but also a symbol of resilience and womanly strength.

In this detailed guide, we'll learn everything about periods, PCOS & PCOD and hormone balance in a woman's body.


Chapter 2: PCOS & PCOD

Chapter 3: Hormone Balance

Chapter 1: All About Period Care

All About Period Care

Your body is a precious gift, a pillar of strength and resilience, and it deserves to be treated with the utmost love and respect. As you go through your menstrual cycle, you must listen to your body, fulfil its needs, and prioritise self-care above everything.

Menstruation, or periods, is a natural and inevitable part of a woman's life journey. One of the most important aspects to address is hygiene practices during menstruation.

Importance of menstrual hygiene

  • Health and Hygiene: Proper menstrual hygiene practices help prevent infections, rashes, and other menstrual-related health issues.

  • Prevention of Infections: Cleanliness during menstruation reduces the risk of various infections like bacterial vaginosis, urinary tract infections (UTIs), and reproductive tract infections (RTIs).

  • Comfort and Confidence: Maintaining good menstrual hygiene ensures comfort during menstruation, allowing you to carry out your daily activities with confidence and without discomfort.

Tips to effectively manage period

These tips are not just practical suggestions – they are gentle reminders to cherish and nurture your body like the priceless treasure it is.

Tip 1: Change sanitary pads every 4-6 hours.

Tip 2: Regulate exercise during menstruation.

Tip 3: Choose the right menstrual products.

Tip 4: Use heat therapy.

Tip 5: Practice relaxation techniques

Read the detailed guide over here → All About Period Health

Chapter 2: PCOS & PCOD


Do you know every fifth woman in India faces PCOD / PCOS problems? Due to this, they face severe hair fall, acne breakouts, pimples and facial hair.

Sometimes periods are irregular periods, sometimes blood flow is too low, and sometimes it's excessive.

If you are someone who has problems like PCOD, PCOS, thyroid or hormonal imbalance, this article is for you. Read it properly, understand your body and make the right decision for yourself.

What is PCOS and PCOD?

PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease): It is a condition in which a woman's ovaries produce immature or partially mature eggs that, over time, develop into ovarian cysts.

PCOS ( (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome): It is a metabolical condition in which ovaries secret male hormones in large amounts, leading to excessive cyst formation.

How to identify PCOS and PCOD?

Here are some of the symptoms to look out for:

  • Oligomenorrhea: Irregular menstruation

  • Amenorrhea: Absent or skipped periods

  • Menorrhagia: Heavy flow during menstruation

  • Abnormal weight gain.

  • Hair growth excessively on the face and body.

  • Acne spurge.

  • Hair fallout, hair gets thinner

  • Skin darkening on the neck, under the breast, and in the groin area.

Does PCOS and PCOD affect fertility in women?

PCOD does not affect fertility in women. In about 80% of cases, women can conceive without or with a little help and medication.

PCOS negatively affects a woman's fertility. Since a woman does not ovulate regularly, it becomes difficult to conceive.

If you have any symptoms, go to your gynaecologist and get a diagnosis.

How to fix PCOD and PCOS?

You can fix PCOD and PCOS by taking care of these factors:

  • Make changes in diet.

  • Exercise regularly.

  • Reduce stress and maintain a healthy sleep cycle.

  • Go for probiotics.

  • Avoid endocrine disruptions.

Chapter 3: Hormone Balance

Hormone Balance

Our body is beautifully created and intricately crafted. It is mindblowing to see how the human body functions.

The male and female body has some similarities and some dissimilarities. In this article, we will discuss the female body and how it goes through some drastic changes.

These changes adversely affect the body. Let's start by understanding endocrine systems.

Understanding endocrine system

The endocrine system in a female body is a complex network of glands and organs that produce and secrete hormones, which are chemical messengers that regulate various physiological processes and functions.

These hormones play a crucial role in the development, growth, and maintenance of the female reproductive system and other bodily functions.

Here are some key components of the endocrine system in a female body:

  • Hypothalamus

  • Pituitary gland

  • Ovaries

  • Thyroid gland

  • Adrenal gland

  • Pancreas

  • Parathyroid gland

  • Pineal gland

Measure to take to balance hormones:

1]. Ayurvedic menstrual health supplements: One of the tested and trusted natural and ayurvedic supplements is Maharishi Ayurveda Restone Menstrual Health Tablets.

2]. Loose weight: Excess body fat can lead to hormonal imbalance, particularly insulin and estrogen. Maintain a healthy weight through diet and exercise.

3]. Healthy Diet: Our food intake adversely affects our hormonal health. Focus on a balanced diet with a variety of whole, unprocessed foods.

4]. Avoid Vaginal Discomfort: Vaginal discomfort can result from various causes, including infections, hormonal changes, allergies, or irritation.

Read the detailed guide over here → Everything About PCOD And PCOS | Preity Prerna

Final Words:

That's all from my side on this topic. I hope I was able to explain every point to you.

If a girl takes care of her body in the early stages of her menstruation cycle, her body will be healthy stepping into adulthood.

So, if you are a mother with a daughter, or even a grandmother, an aunt, a sister, or a friend, make sure that the girl you care about dearly is aware of the hygiene practices during this period.

Now, I would like to hear from you.

I'm sure you're well versed in these three topics, but still, I want to know what new you learnt from this guide.

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