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How to Treat Wrinkles Naturally at Home?

Updated: Mar 21

How to Treat Wrinkles Naturally at Home?

Ageing is an inevitable part of our life. Every human, every living being goes through it. There’s nothing to worry about and most important no reason to feel any shame about aging. You must never feel bad about it.

I understand the transformative changes when we start ageing are a little uncomfortable to accept. Our skin starts showing signs of the passage of time, wrinkles start appearing, hair might become grey, and our joints may creak a little.

But you know what?

These little reminders of ageing aren't reasons to be sad. They're more like little badges of honour, and symbols of a life full of experiences, cherished memories, and the wisdom that comes with time.

While we fully embrace the natural process of ageing, it's understandable to want to maintain that youthful glow for as long as possible. Who wouldn't want supple, radiant skin that seems to defy the march of time? It's a universal desire, shared by people from all walks of life.


If you want to keep your skin’s vitality intact and ensure its tightness and elasticity for a long time, it’s time to take some proactive steps. In place of getting under the weight of societal pressures or chasing unrealistic beauty standards, let’s shift towards a mindset of self-care and empowerment.

It’s high time that we embrace the internal beauty in ageing gracefully while showing our skin some love. After all, ageing is just another chapter in life’s incredible story, and we’re here to live it to the fullest.

Table of Contents:

What Causes Wrinkles?

While ageing is the primary culprit behind the formation of wrinkles, various external and internal factors contribute to their development. Let’s understand the primary causes of wrinkles:

1]. Ageing: 

  • The natural ageing process is the most significant contributor to the formation of wrinkles. As we age, our skin undergoes several changes.

  • The production of collagen and elastin, proteins responsible for maintaining skin firmness and elasticity, decreases over time.

  • Additionally, the skin's ability to retain moisture diminishes, leading to dryness and reduced skin plumpness.

  • These age-related changes result in the formation of wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin.

2]. Sun exposure: 

  • Prolonged and unprotected exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun is a major contributor to premature skin ageing and wrinkle formation.

  • UV radiation damages the skin's collagen and elastin fibres, accelerating their breakdown and leading to the development of wrinkles, sunspots, and other signs of photodamage.

  • This process, known as photoaging, is cumulative and occurs over years of sun exposure.

3]. Smoking:

  • Tobacco smoke contains numerous harmful chemicals that wreak havoc on the skin's health and accelerate the ageing process.

  • Smoking reduces blood flow to the skin, depriving it of oxygen and essential nutrients.

  • It also damages collagen and elastin fibres, leading to premature skin ageing and the formation of wrinkles, particularly around the mouth (smoker's lines) and eyes (crow's feet).

4]. Repeated Facial Expressions: 

  • Facial expressions such as smiling, squinting, and furrowing the brow involve the contraction of underlying facial muscles.

  • Over time, repetitive muscle movements contribute to the formation of dynamic wrinkles, also known as expression lines.

  • These wrinkles initially appear only during facial movements but may become more pronounced and visible at rest as collagen and elastin fibres weaken with age.

5]. Genetics: 

  • Genetic factors play a role in determining an individual's predisposition to wrinkle formation and the rate at which their skin ages.

  • Certain genetic variations can influence the production of collagen, skin elasticity, and antioxidant defences, affecting how susceptible a person is to wrinkles and other signs of ageing.

6]. Poor Skincare Habits: 

  • Inadequate skin care practices, such as failing to moisturize, cleanse, or protect the skin from environmental aggressors, can contribute to the development of wrinkles.

  • Neglecting to use sunscreen regularly, for example, leaves the skin vulnerable to UV damage and accelerates the ageing process.

7]. Environmental Factors: 

  • Environmental pollutants, such as air pollution and toxins, can contribute to oxidative stress and inflammation in the skin, accelerating the breakdown of collagen and elastin fibres and promoting wrinkle formation.

  • Additionally, exposure to harsh weather conditions, such as extreme cold or dryness, can exacerbate skin dryness and contribute to the development of wrinkles.

In summary, wrinkles are the result of a multifactorial process influenced by intrinsic ageing, external environmental factors, lifestyle choices, and genetic predispositions.

While some factors, such as ageing and genetics, are beyond our control, adopting healthy skincare habits, protecting the skin from sun damage, and avoiding harmful habits like smoking can help minimize the appearance of wrinkles and promote overall skin health.

Home Remedy To Treat Wrinkles


Let's talk about the heart of any skincare routine: cleansing. Whether you wear makeup or prefer a natural look, starting with a fresh, clean face sets the stage for everything that follows.

If you're wearing makeup use micellar water. Micellar water helps remove the makeup, dirt, and deposition on the face effectively. After thoroughly cleansing the face, use your regular face wash.

If you do not apply makeup or mostly stay indoors, use face wash to clean the face.

Cleansing thoroughly is necessary because any topical application does not work if there is deposition on the skin. So make sure you provide clean skin for your remedy to work.



  • Dried chamomile flowers contain anti-ageing properties. It will help you get rid of saggy skin and provide refreshment to the skin.

  • You can consume it in tea. It is soothing and its internal consumption works best for the skin.

  • However tropical application can do wonders in fighting signs of ageing, toning and tightening the skin.

  • Green tea is like a superhero in the skincare world. It can prevent premature ageing, clear out clogged pores, and keep your skin hydrated and nourished.

  • Plus, its anti-oxidant properties are just what your skin needs to stay youthful and radiant.

3. Empty Tea Bag or a sachet :

  • All these ingredients are readily available in the market. You can also find them online!


STEP 1: Take a pan and heat 1-1.5 cups of water. Let it boil.

STEP 2: In an empty sachet, add one tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers. Tie up the sachet securely. We don’t want any loose petals floating around.

STEP 3: Put one chamomile flower bag and two green tea bags in the boiling water.

STEP 4: Let these ingredients mingle and infuse their goodness in water.

STEP 5: Once the infusion is over, let the mixture cool down. And voila, your homemade toner is ready.

Now, put the toner in a spray bottle and leave it in the refrigerator for a few hours. You can leave it at room temperature, but in summer, a cool application of the toner will be more effective and refreshing.

The fragrance of this toner is absolutely mesmerising. You'll find it hard to believe that this heavenly scent is coming from a DIY toner.


Now is the time to learn about the application of this magical serum in a way that’s effective for your skin.

I suggest you use a dropper for the application. It ensures that you can apply the serum without repeatedly dipping your fingers into the bottle, keeping everything clean and hygienic.

Simply squeeze the dropper and collect 3-4 drops of the serum and then you gently release them onto your skin. Then, massage the serum in with gentle, circular motions, allowing your skin to soak up all the nourishing goodness.

Once your skin has happily absorbed the serum, it's time to give it some extra love with moisturiser. By moisturising after applying the serum, you're ensuring that your skin stays hydrated and happy throughout the day or night.

Now, speaking of timing, you can use this serum whenever suits your schedule best. Personally, I love using it at night, allowing my skin to absorb all the serum's goodness while I sleep.

And remember,

Consistency is key, so aim to apply the serum every alternate day. If you find it a bit too drying for your skin, no worries – simply switch to using it every second day to maintain that perfect balance.


When we hear the word "serum," the first thought that enters our mind is that it is a product that contains active and concentrated ingredients that directly penetrate the skin. Yes, that is what a serum is, and we will prepare our own anti-aging serum.

It will not only pamper your skin but turn back the clock of aging and that too with natural active ingredients like fenugreek seeds, pomegranate peels, flaxseeds and rose water. Let’s learn more about the ingredients before we delve into preparation and application.


  • Fenugreek seeds are a blessing for the skin. They help maintain skin firmness, even out skin tone, and reduce dark circles and patches.

  • Plus, they’re a go-to remedy for hyperpigmentation.

  • For this serum, take 1-2 tablespoons of soaked fenugreek seeds and don’t throw the water

  • The pomegranate tree is one such tree whose roots, stem, leaves, branches, fruits, seeds, and everything is a blessing for the skin.

  • It is full of bioactive enzymes, antioxidants, and vitamin C that fight against anti-ageing enzymes and give you flawless skin.

  • For this serum, take 3-4 peels it.

  • Flaxseed is a popular anti-ageing ingredient. It reduces signs of ageing and gives glowing skin.

  • It will provide a slimy consistency to the serum.

  • But if you are not comfortable using flaxseeds, use aloe vera gel instead.

  • For the serum, take one tablespoon of it or aloe vera gel.

  • Rose water fights skin irritation and provides hydration. It also adds a sweet fragrance to your serum.

  • For the serum, take half a cup of rose water.

  • Orange peel powder is a great source of vitamin C. It prevents oxidative stress, and fights signs of ageing while keeping the skin moisturised.

  • For the serum, take two tablespoons of it.

Now that we've got our ingredients, let's dive into the fun part – making our DIY anti-ageing serum. These ingredients are enough to make your skin flawless and youthful.


STEP 1: Start by heating up a cup of water in a pot.

STEP 2: Once the water is nice and warm, add your soaked fenugreek seeds along with the water they were soaked in. It will add the nutrients that water absorbed from the fenugreek seeds in the serum.

STEP 3: Next, add pomegranate peels and flaxseeds.

STEP 4: Now, add the third ingredient - flaxseeds. (if you’re using aloe vera gel, then let the first two ingredients boil and then add the gel).

STEP 5: Let the mixture simmer for about 10 minutes. You will notice that the colour of the water starts changing.

STEP 6: Once it's ready, turn off the heat, cover the pot, and let it rest for a few minutes.

STEP 7: Strain the decoction once its temperature is moderate. Keep it aside and let it cool.

STEP 8: While the decoction rests, take a bowl and add rose water to it. Add orange peel powder to rose water and let it rest for 10-15 mins.

STEP 9: Now take a bigger bowl and add the decoction to it. Strain the orange peel and rose water mix in the decoction.

STEP 10: Blend the mix thoroughly using a hand grinder.

And, your anti-ageing serum is ready.

If you prefer a thicker consistency, feel free to add more flaxseeds and let it simmer a bit longer. And don't forget to store your serum in a glass container – preferably in the refrigerator to keep it fresh and potent.


For the application of the serum, use a dropper. Squeeze out 3-4 drops of serum onto your skin and gently massage it, allowing your skin to soak up all that goodness.

Once your skin has happily absorbed the serum, it's time to lock in all that hydration with some moisturiser. This step is key, especially if you find fenugreek a tad dehydrating – we want your skin to stay happy and hydrated!

You can use this serum at any time of the day. I prefer using it at night so the skin can absorb the serum overnight. Apply the serum every alternate day. If it is too drying for your skin, use it every second day.

And here's a little bonus tip – for those stubborn fine lines and wrinkles, go ahead and apply a thicker layer of serum to target those areas directly. If you want to take your serum game up a notch? Dip a sheet mask into the serum and treat your skin to an extra dose of hydration and glow!


If you want to watch the video version of this article, you can watch this video (and don't forget to check the comment section.)


With these DIY toner and serum working their magic, your skin reduces the signs of ageing and reveals youthful, radiant skin.

Also, if you’re not a part of our amazing family, you’re missing out. Join us today and start your natural skincare and haircare journey and get help from other community members. 😊

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Deepshikha Bisht
Deepshikha Bisht
01 jul 2023
Obtuvo 5 de 5 estrellas.

Wonderful toner😍❤️

With such an useful remedy for anti-aging 🤩

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Jhuma Deb
Jhuma Deb
01 jul 2023
Obtuvo 5 de 5 estrellas.

Green tea toner give good results for me ....


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Jhuma Deb
Jhuma Deb
01 jul 2023
Obtuvo 5 de 5 estrellas.

Really I am confused which market base anti-aging products are suitable for me.....

Thank you for sharing this article with's very helpful for us....

Dear mam your article give deep knowledge about natural ingredients which have no side effects....

Thank you dear Mam 💞💞😘

God bless you 🙏🙏🙏

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Deeksha Bisht
Deeksha Bisht
30 jun 2023
Obtuvo 5 de 5 estrellas.

Awesome article ✨️🙏❤️🧿

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Obtuvo 5 de 5 estrellas.

Prerna ma'am 🙏

This is a wonderful experience of reading your article and making the DIY. ♥️♥️

Love reading the potency of natural ingredients and their usage through your amazing share.👍👍

Now from the articles we are learning more🙌 🙌

Thanks for sharing the knowledge 🙏

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