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How To Prepare Hibiscus Infused Oil At Home?

Updated: May 8

How To Prepare Hibiscus Infused Oil At Home?

If you’re tired of looking in the mirror only to notice thinning hair or a visible scalp, I bet you've tried countless remedies. And let's be honest, those zero results or the terrible smell of onion juice or oil can be a real pain, right?

Well, worry not. My remedies actually work and also they’re not smelly. What’s the proof?

Thousands of positive comments on my YouTube videos, where subscribers who tried and tested these remedies are the proof. Also, if you’ve been following me for a long time, you know you can trust me.

I've got some remedies that not only work wonders but also don't leave you holding your nose.

So, let's dive into this article where we'll explore the process of cultivating belief in natural remedies. Since our focus is on hibiscus oil, we'll begin by uncovering the myriad benefits of this simple yet readily available plant. Then, we'll delve into the step-by-step process of preparing and applying the oil. But before that,

Let me introduce myself!

Hello, I'm Prerna your go-to trusted source for natural skincare and haircare remedies. Preity Prerna’s YouTube channel is loved and supported by a family of 5 million. Well, you don't have to trust my words, visit the comment section of this blog or YouTube and see yourself (after you've finished reading this article, of course)! 😊

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Hibiscus is often referred to as the "flower of hair care." This incredible plant isn't just a pretty sight in your garden; it's a powerhouse when it comes to nurturing your hair.

Rich in Vitamin C, hibiscus boasts impressive abilities to regulate the oil glands of your scalp. This means that excessive oil production, a common culprit behind hair fall, can be effectively managed, leading to a reduction in hair loss.

Moreover, hibiscus holds the power to combat hair fall induced by dandruff, addressing the root cause of the issue while promoting a healthier scalp environment.

Not only does hibiscus aid in preventing hair fall, but it also works wonders in taming frizz, leaving your locks sleek and manageable. Unlike onion oil, which can contribute to frizz, hibiscus oil offers a frizz-free solution to hair fall, ensuring your strands remain smooth and lustrous.

In essence, hibiscus emerges as a natural hero in the realm of hair care, offering a comprehensive solution to hair fall, and frizz, and promoting hair regrowth without any unwanted side effects.

If you like to watch the video version of this article, you can watch this: (And don't forget to check the comment section 😊 )

Belief in natural remedies

In a world full of synthetic solutions and quick fixes, there's an ever-lasting wisdom found in nature's simplicity and purity.

Natural remedies were highly valued in ancient practices like Ayurveda and herbal traditions. They’re not just about physical betterment.

At the core of natural remedies is an understanding of the profound connection between mind, body, and spirit.

Unlike synthetic treatments that often target symptoms in isolation, natural remedies work in harmony with the body's healing mechanisms, addressing the root causes of imbalance.

To unlock the full potential of natural remedies, it's essential to cultivate unwavering faith and trust in their efficacy. This requires a shift in mindset—a willingness to embrace nature's wisdom and surrender to its transformative power.

Natural remedies not only heal your body but also nurture your mind and spirit. They are also sustainable and ecologically conscious, contributing to both personal well-being and planet health.

The Power of Hibiscus

For centuries Hibiscus plant has been used in Ayurveda and herbal healing. Even today, if you visit any Ayurvedic practitioner or an herbal healer for your hair-related concerns, their go-to recommendation will likely be Hibiscus.

And let's not limit our focus to just the flowers; the entire plant holds incredible potential. Recent clinical studies have revealed that hibiscus leaves boast even more nutrients than its flowers. So, if hibiscus flowers are not available due to their seasonal nature, don't worry; the leaves will serve just as well (or even better).

When it comes to hair care, hibiscus takes centre stage for a reason—it's a powerhouse of nutrients that offer a myriad of benefits. From preventing hair loss to treating dandruff and enhancing overall hair health, volume, and shine, hibiscus does it all.

I like to think of Hibiscus as the ultimate hair-care thing because of its remarkable abilities. Not only does it combat hair loss and split ends, but it also addresses issues like dandruff and premature greying.

If you're dealing with dryness, breakage, or frizz, hibiscus comes to the rescue, leaving your locks healthier, more lustrous, and with added volume. But here's the exciting part—hibiscus isn't just reserved for DIY remedies. Take a peek at the ingredient lists of your favourite hair care products, and you'll likely find hibiscus making a star-studded appearance.

From shampoos to serums, hair masks to conditioners, hibiscus is a staple ingredient even in the world of luxury hair-care and skin-care brands. With its widespread presence and proven benefits, there's every reason to incorporate hibiscus into your hair care routine.

In this remedy, we'll be harnessing the power of hibiscus to prepare a nourishing hair oil that'll leave your hair looking and feeling fabulous.

Preparation of Oil

Let's dive into the preparation of this nourishing hair oil.

First things first, we need to choose a base oil. You've got plenty of options here—almond oil, walnut oil, or wheatgerm oil are great choices for infusion.

However, if you have allergies to nut-based oils or prefer a lighter option, you can go for fruit-based oils like coconut oil, olive oil, or jojoba oil.

Fruit-based oils are lighter, so they effortlessly reach the roots of your hair, ensuring maximum nourishment.

So go ahead and pick your favourite from these six oils as the base for your magical concoction. We’ll learn two methods of preparation:

The first one is perfect for those who prefer to prepare their oil before each application. And the second one is for those who prefer making it in bulk.

Ingredients Needed:

  • Hibiscus flowers or leaves

  • Ginger

  • Gooseberry (Amla)

  • Oil

Method 1: Fresh Oil Preparation

STEP 1: Grab a small pan and add the exact quantity needed for one application.

STEP 2: Heat the oil on a low flame, being careful not to overheat it.

STEP 3: Once the oil is mildly heated, tear two hibiscus leaves or four hibiscus flower petals into small pieces and add them to the oil. Skip adding pollen grains if you're allergic to them.

STEP 4: Within a minute, you'll notice the flowers and leaves becoming crunchy. Now, grate a small piece of ginger (less than half an inch) into the oil, followed by a little bit of Amla (Gooseberry).

Remember, moderation is key—just one-fourth of a teaspoon of each ingredient will suffice. Let the infusion of these magical ingredients happen for five minutes.

STEP 5: After five minutes, switch off the flame and strain the oil properly, pressing the leftovers on the strainer.

Voila! Your magical hair oil is now ready for application!

Method 2: Bulk Oil Preparation

The ingredients remain the same, but in dried form—hibiscus leaves/flowers, ginger, and Amla (gooseberry). If you can't find dried ingredients, you can easily order their powdered form online.

STEP 1: Grab a pan, and heat the amount of oil you want to prepare on low flame.

STEP 2: Take approximately one teaspoon of each item. If you're using powdered ingredients, stick to one-fourth teaspoon of hibiscus leaves powder, one-fourth teaspoon of hibiscus petals powder, a pinch or one-fourth teaspoon of ginger powder, and one-fourth teaspoon of Amla powder.

STEP 3: When the oil is mildly heated, add the dried or powdered ingredients.

STEP 4: Allow the infusion process to complete, letting the ingredients settle at the bottom of the pan.

STEP 5: Avoid removing or straining the ingredients from the oil, as the infusion will continue in this method.

Whichever method you choose, I assure you that you're creating a nourishing oil for your hair that's packed with the goodness of natural ingredients.

Application and Results

Your hair oil is now ready to work its magic, leaving you with thicker, stronger, and more stunning hair. Simply pour a generous amount into your palm and massage it gently onto your scalp, allowing the oil to reach every hair follicle and reawaken those sleepy strands.

This potent blend not only kickstarts your hair growth but also jumpstarts the healing process for any hair concerns you may be dealing with.

Focusing solely on massaging the scalp can yield remarkable results. But, I would suggest applying the oil to the lengths of your hair as well, especially if you've prepared a larger quantity.

Make it a ritual to apply the oil three to four times a week, allowing it to work its wonders overnight or for a few hours before your regular hair wash routine—whichever fits seamlessly into your lifestyle.

As I often emphasise, approach each remedy mindfully. So, embrace this rejuvenating ritual with confidence, knowing that with consistent application and a sprinkle of patience, your hair will soon exude newfound vitality and resilience.

Keep in mind that visible improvements may take up to a month to manifest, but rest assured, your dedication will yield results that are well worth the wait.

I've shared multiple videos on hair oils. You can watch them on my YouTube Channel or from here.

Key Takeaways:

  • For any remedy to work first, you need to trust the process.

  • And then, do the process mindfully.

  • For preparation, choose your favourite oil and add petals of Hibiscus, ginger and amla (gooseberry).

  • Once the oil is prepared, let it cool and then apply properly on the scalp and hair.

  • Let it be on your hair for some time and then wash it.

  • For better results, three-four times a week and observe for a month.


And we came to an end. I humbly request all of you lovely people to be patient with the process. Do not expect any visible results after just one week of application.

Oils are potent, but they need some time to showcase their superpowers. So just relax and have faith in the process. You will see the results in one month for sure.

So, arrange the ingredients, make the oil, and give your hair the luxury and strength it deserves. You can also try,

P.S.: Got great results by trying this Hibiscus-Infused Oil? Don’t forget to come back and write a review based on your experience, and inspire others to try it too.

Also, if you’re not a part of our amazing family, you’re missing out. Join us today and start your natural skincare and haircare journey and get help from other community members. 😊

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