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Basics Of Skin Care: The Complete Guide For Beginners

Basics Of Skin Care: The Complete Guide For Beginners

If you're new to skin care and don't know where to start from this guide is for you.

It will cover the very basics of skincare like knowing your skin type, protecting your skin from the environment, hormonal changes, skin care mistakes, skin care tips, glass skin and facial.

If you're just transitioning from chemical to natural skincare and want to learn how to prepare face wash, moisturizer, serum and more at home with simple kitchen ingredients, you should also read this guide.

It will help you understand the basics and then in part 2 we will learn all the preparation.

My goal is to help you learn simple do-it-yourself remedies that give you the glow and shine you want but without making a hole in your pocket.

So, read this and other guides on my website properly, follow them and do the best for your skin, hair and health.


Chapter 7: Face Polishing

Chapter 1: What's Your Skin Type?

Chapter 1: What's Your Skin Type?

Did this ever happen to you?

You bought an expensive skincare product and it didn't suit you?

You experienced massive breakouts or your skin became dry or suddenly it became greasy.

Or some kind of irritation started to happen.

It could be due to you not knowing your skin type and then choosing the wrong products. Products that don't suit your skin.

Why Is It Important To Know Your Skin Type?

You need to know your skin so that you can make the right decisions for your skin.

Be it products, natural remedies or facials. Everything doesn't suit every skin type.

The major benefits of knowing your skin type are:

  • If you know your skin type, you'll be able to select the products and remedies that suit your skin.

  • If you know your skin type you'll be able to find and fix your skin problems easily.

  • If you know your skin type you can proactive measures to protect and maintain the health of your skin.

What Are Different Skin Types?

There are 5 types of skin:

1). Oily Skin: If your skin feels greasy and sticky you've oily skin.

2). Dry Skin: If your skin feels dehydrated, rough, flaky, or even scaly you've dry skin.

3). Normal Skin: If your skin doesn't feel either too dry or overly greasy, doesn't easily break out, become flaky, or feel tight or oily, you've normal skin.

4). Combination Skin: If your T-zone is oily and cheekbones are either dry or normal, you've combination skin.

5). Sensitive Skin: If your skin seems red and feels dry, itchy or burning you've sensitive skin.

How To Know Your Skin Type?

You can consult a dermatologist to understand your skin type. But if you want to understand your skin type at home, do this:

Wash your face using a gentle cleanser and pat dry. Wait for 30 min and see the results. Here is what you need to watch out for:

  • You probably have oily skin if it appears shiny throughout.

  • You probably have dry skin if it is flaky or scaly, feels tight, or both.

  • If your T-zone is the sole area that shines, you most likely have a combination skin.

  • You probably have normal skin if it feels moisturized, pleasant, and non-oily.

Read the detailed guide over here → What's Your Skin Type?

Chapter 2: How To Protect Your Skin In A Changing Environment?

How To Protect Your Skin In A Changing Environment?

Skincare has become an invincible part of our daily life. We invest in so many products.

From cleansers to moisturizers to sunscreens and serums, all in the pursuit of healthy and radiant skin.

While these products can undoubtedly make a difference, but the environment in which we live also plays a significant role in determining the health of our skin.

Our world is getting more and more polluted with every passing day. So, we need to adapt our routine so that it can deal with all the pollution and impurities of modern life.

Skincare And Environmental Factors

These environmental factors significantly impact your skin:

  • Pollution

  • UV radiations

  • Climate change

  • Season change

  • Water quality

What Should You Do?

To protect your skin in a changing environment, you must follow these tips:

  • Apply a good moisturizer.

  • Regularly apply sunscreen. If you're going out, reapply it.

  • Change your routine with changes in climate and season.

  • Drink enough amount of water.

  • Make it a habit to eat 2 fruits per day.

  • Sleep enough hours.

  • Make a balance between natural and chemical remedies.

Chapter 3: How Hormones Affect Your Skin?

Our skin is the largest organ of our body. It is not just a protective barrier but a dynamic system that responds to internal and external factors.

One of the most influential internal factors that affect skin health is hormones.

Hormones play a crucial role in maintaining the overall well-being of the skin. Any fluctuation in hormones can impact our skin health.

Understanding Hormones

Hormones are chemical messengers produced by various glands in the body. These messengers regulate numerous bodily functions, and their fluctuations can affect the skin.

The most prominent glands are:

  • Estrogen and Progesterone: These hormones are crucial for maintaining optimal skin thickness, elasticity, and hydration levels and can lead to changes in skin moisture, suppleness, and the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

  • Androgens: It includes testosterone, which is responsible for regulating oil production in the skin and can cause excess oil and contribute to acne, blackheads, and other skin conditions.

  • Thyroid Hormone: It controls metabolism and the rate at which the skin regenerates and repairs itself and can cause skin issues such as dryness, flakiness, or excessive sweating.

  • Stress Hormone: It includes cortisol. It is released in stress response and can lead to various skin problems, such as increased oil production, exacerbating acne, and reducing the skin's ability to repair and regenerate.

Understanding Hormone Fluctuations

Hormonal changes can adversely affect the skin health. The common reasons behind hormone fluctuations are:

  • Puberty

  • Pregnancy

  • Menopause

  • Menstrual Cycle

Managing Skin For Hormonal Changes

Hormonal imbalance requires extra care for the skin. These are the measures you can take:

  • Cleansing: A proper cleansing routine removes excess oil and impurities.

  • Exfoliation: Exfoliation removes dead skin cells, preventing clogged pores and promoting skin renewal.

  • Moisturizing: Maintaining skin hydration is key to a healthy complexion.

  • Sun Protection: Always wear sunscreen with at least SPF 30 to shield your skin from UV damage.

  • Diet and Hydration: A balanced diet rich in antioxidants and essential nutrients can support overall skin health. Staying well-hydrated is also crucial to maintain skin moisture and elasticity.

  • Hormone Therapy: In some cases, hormone therapy may be recommended to manage severe hormonal imbalances.

  • Stress Management: Practicing stress-reduction techniques such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises can help maintain hormonal balance and improve overall skin health.

  • Hormone-Based Skincare: Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may be an option for women going through menopause to restore hormonal balance and improve skin health.

Read the detailed guide over here → How Hormones Affect Your Skin?

Chapter 4: Skin Care Mistakes

Unknowingly or due to laziness we make many mistakes. The biggest one is constant comparison.

You don't notice but every time you look at someone and think, it's genes or its supplements or cosmetics enhancements and I can't have such good skin, you're hurting your inner self.

Yes, issues are there but they can be fixed. Naturally.

You can always go to a dermatologist for issues you can't control, but let me make it very clear, with a positive mindset and consistent routines you can get that flawless skin.

I am going to share 10 skincare mistakes that you unknowingly commit.

These might seem like minuscule mistakes, but by just avoiding these mistakes, you will give yourself long-lasting healthy skin.

  • #1. Not sleeping clean

  • #2. Not staying hydrated

  • #3. Not sleeping well enough

  • #4. Unhygienic conditions

  • #5. Not cleaning well

  • #6. Touching face unnecessarily

  • #7. Not washing sebum

  • #8. Not applying sunscreen

  • #9. Product duration

  • #10. Cotton pads for toners

1]. Not sleeping clean: If you do not wash your face before bed, please do not expect to wake up with flawless skin. The entire healing process of the skin takes place while your body rests.

2]. Not Staying hydrated: To keep your skin hydrated, eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Also, take care of your liquid diet. Limit your caffeine intake.

3]. Not sleeping well enough: The tiredness of insufficient sleep will reflect on your skin in the form of dark circles, acne, or pigmentation. Do whatever it takes for a good night's sleep.

4]. Unhygienic conditions: Make sure that you periodically change your pillowcases or flip your pillow and use a clean towel for your face.

5]. Not cleansing properly: While washing your face, clean thoroughly around the nose and chin. Be thoughtful when washing your face to avoid deposition around the nose and darkening around the mouth.

6]. Touching face unnecessarily: Do not pop or touch your pimples. Touching or popping pimples can leave marks on your face that might last forever.

7]. Not washing sebum: If you do not wash off the sebum from your face, it will get absorbed in the skin pores and cause pimples.

8]. Not applying sunscreen: You should never skip sunscreen. It is a necessity in the changing environment.

9]. Product duration: You should change your facewash every 2-3 months. Your face might reject the new brand completely, causing complications. It is best to keep changing the products periodically.

10]. Using cotton pads for toner: Cotton absorbs toner and can be harsh on your skin. So, use your hands or use spray bottles for applying toners.

Read the detailed guide over here → You Must Avoid These Skin Care Mistakes | Preity Prerna

Chapter 5: Skin Care Tips

Skin is a living, breathing ecosystem that mirrors your inner and outer well-being.

From its resilient nature to its delicate nuances, your skin deserves the utmost care and attention.

Understanding your skin takes time and most of the time we predict wrong.

Understanding Your Skin

Skin is the largest organ of our body. It is a complex network of cells, tissues and glands working tirelessly to protect you.

Each skin type is unique, with its own set of needs and preferences.

What works wonders for one person may not necessarily yield the same results for another.

It's a journey of discovery filled with trial and error, but also with moments of revelation and empowerment.

Prioritising Your Skin Health

In our busy chaotic life, it's easy to get lost in the sea of products claiming to be natural while containing questionable chemicals.

So, how can we genuinely prioritise our skin health in a budget and environment-friendly way?

Start with hydration. Various studies suggest that the root cause of the major skin health issues is poor hydration.

Now, do one more thing. Embrace your natural features.

Skincare isn't merely about surface-level beauty conforming to unrealistic standards. It's about nurturing and honouring the remarkable organ that is our skin.

It's about embracing our individuality and expressing ourselves authentically.

Factors Affecting Skin Health

Understanding these factors is essential for maintaining vibrant and radiant skin:

  • Environmental factors: Sun exposure, pollution, climate

  • Lifestyle factors: Diet, hydration, sleep

  • Skincare habits: Cleansing, moisturizing, sun protection, exfoliation

  • Genetic factors: Skin type, ageing

  • Hormonal changes

Top 10 Skin Care Tips

Take care of these 10 skin care tips:

  • Washing face before sleeping

  • Water consumption

  • Not touching your face

  • Sunscreen

  • Invest in good facewash

  • Natural ingredients

  • Fibrous and water-rich foods

  • Minimal chemical on the face

  • No stress

  • Regular exercise

Read the detailed guide over here → Top 10 Skin Care Tips

Chapter 6: Glass Skin

Korean glass skin is very popular these days and they work wonders too. But they’re hella expensive and not everyone can afford them.

But you don’t have to worry as in this article I’ll share with you a simple 4-step remedy that will give you the glass skin you want. That is too in your budget. And without any side effects.

This remedy is proven to improve your skin texture and fix pigmentation problems in your skin. But the only catch over it is you’ve to try it for 7 days.

So, gather the ingredients, prepare your mind, tie your hair and do this remedy, right now.

Read the detailed guide over here → Get Glass Skin In 7 Days | Preity Prerna

If you continue to do this 4-step remedy for 7 days, you’ll observe that your skin texture is uplifted.

All the problems you had on skin like, if you feel that the pigmentation is increasing, and let's say you already have pigmentation, around your nose, around your mouth, any kind of darkening, it can address all these things.

Stop it after 7 days. But if you wish to continue, do it on alternate days and don’t use lemon juice.

Chapter 7: Face Polishing

You must be wondering what this 'face polishing' means. Face polishing means intense cleansing of the face to get a facial-like or polished look.

Our skin goes through many hardships in this polluted environment. It needs a little pampering once in a while. Face polishing will provide your skin with softness, suppleness, and glow.

This deep cleaning process will remove all kinds of deposition from your face. It also works well in removing blackheads and whiteheads.

You can follow these simple steps to pamper your skin and give it a salon-like glow.

Read the detailed guide here → How To Do Face Polishing At Home?

This skin-polishing procedure will not just bring glow, vibrance, suppleness, and softness to your skin, but it will also keep your skin healthy.

This procedure is very potent and intense, so do it only once every 15 to 20 days. 

This face polishing will make you forget about parlour facials and clean-ups.

Final Words

That's all from my side on the basics of skincare. This all seems a lot but actually, it's not.

Have two daily skincare routines and 1-2 weekly pamper routines.

In daily skincare follow this simple 4-step formula: Cleansing, Toning, Moisturizing and Sun protection. In addition, apply Vitamin C. And don't forget lip balm.

If you're going out then reapply sunscreen. Simple.

And don't forget to wash your face properly before sleeping.

This in-depth guide will help you prepare everything from face wash to toner to moisturizer and sunscreen at home completely natural

Now, I would like to hear from you.

What tip from this detailed guide do you want to try first?

Let me know in the comment section. And,

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